You can bring hope behind bars

In February and March, Bible League will be partnering with Australian Christian radio stations and friends like you in Bringing Hope Behind Bars – a campaign to provide Bible League’s Prison Bible to 3,500 prisoners around Australia.

Prisoners are one of the biggest unreached people groups in the world. Often out of sight and out of mind for most of us, they’re so in need of hope and truth.

That’s why Bible League partners with chaplain groups on the ground to take God’s Word into prisons and reach people with the Good News!

Recently a chaplain told the story of a young man in prison who read the Bible after attending an evangelistic Bible study course, and suddenly had goose bumps. The words just jumped out to him so clearly as he read Jeremiah 29:11: “I know the plans I have for you…”

God spoke to him so powerfully on that day. That was late last year and now that young man is totally transformed! He’s given his life to Christ and has inner peace and joy.

It costs just $15 to provide a Prison Bible for a prisoner in Australia. Will you help prisoners break free from the cycle of sin? Donate now.

Prayer: Pray for this Bringing Hope Behind Bars campaign that many people would give to provide others like this young man with God’s Word. Thank you!


The ministry of Bible League Australia is able to plant God’s Word solely through the generous support of the Christian community.