Changing lives in the philippines

Your support to provide Bibles in the Philippines will transform many lives

Across the Philippines there are millions like Lorijane who are desperate for hope.

She was born into poverty and bullied because of her physical disability. She thought if God existed, He was ignoring her completely.

The Church in the Philippines desperately needs more Bibles and biblical resources to reach more people like Lorijane.

Because she found hope when she was given a Bible… and discovered her identity in Jesus.

Now she’s a Bible teacher planting God’s Word in the hearts of people around her – and lives are being transformed.

Your gift today to meet the $115,200 goal will help resource the under-resourced Church in the Philippines with 7,680 essential Bibles and biblical resources to plant God’s Word in more hearts.

Thank you for giving so generously today so that more people like Lorijane come to know Jesus – and share Him with others!

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Bibles Funded So Far

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Thank you for supporting our brothers and sisters in the Philippines!