Plant God's word in Ethiopia

Your support will resources the under-resourced church in Ethiopia...

…to transform thousands of lives like Adugna’s!

Adugna* once hated Christians – but his heart was supernaturally changed and his body healed by the living God. He says:

“I confessed my sin and accepted Christ as my Saviour. Then he prayed for my healing, and through time God healed me completely.”

This young man is a living example of what the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:17, ERV:

“When anyone is in Christ, it is a whole new world. The old things are gone; suddenly, everything is new!”

And your generous support will help thousands like Adugna to know Christ through Project Philip Bible studies.

So thank you for giving so generously today to meet the $53,400 need to help provide 3,560 essential Bibles and biblical resources to the under-resourced Church in Ethiopia.

Your support will plant God’s Word in their hearts so that they come to know Jesus… and share Him with others!

*name changed to protect identity

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Bibles Funded So Far

Plant God’s Word in Hearts across Ethiopia

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