Strengthen Ukrainian Refugees
with the Hope of God’s Word

You’ve seen the heart-breaking scenes from Ukraine on the news. Millions are fleeing unspeakable violence.

Local partners are ministering to these refugees, providing for their basic needs.

But they have NO Bibles. And a Bible in their heart language is what each refugee is desperate for.

Bible League is currently printing full Bibles and New Testaments in both Ukrainian and Russian languages to distribute to refugees.

Your gift today of…

  • $45 can provide 5 full Bibles
  • $75 can provide 25 New Testaments 

The hunger for God’s Word is enormous.

So please, give generously today to help meet the urgent goal of $486,000 to ensure 54,000 emergency Bibles and biblical resources can be put in the hands of under-resourced Ukrainian refugees.

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Bibles Funded So Far

Give generously today to ensure emergency Bibles and biblical resources can be put in the hands of under-resourced Ukrainian refugees.

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