Be a source of hope:

Help more people in Muslim nations

discover the Gospel!

Help transform lives in the under-resourced Church in Muslim nations!

In this Muslim nation, Christians are often persecuted – but Anwar* has not let that threat stand in his way. He says:

“The literacy class has given me something to feel successful at. For the first time in my life, I feel I’m worthy of encouragement and appreciation. We pray before and after every class, and we read Scripture.”

Your special gift today to help reach the $66,700 goal will help provide 3,335 essential Bibles, biblical resources and literacy training to help more people, like Anwar, engage with God’s Word.

You’ll help transform more lives as you help people engage with His Word in ways they understand, so they can know Jesus and share the Gospel.

Thank you for giving your special gift to help resource the under-resourced Church in Muslim nations!

*name changed for security reasons

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Bibles Funded So Far

I’ll help more people in Muslim nations discover the Gospel!

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