For 245 million Christians around the world, following Jesus comes at a great cost.

We need to bring them hope – through the life-giving words of the Bible. Persecuted Christians always ask us as for two things: Prayer and Bibles. Bibles are often difficult to access in persecuted countries due to governmental restrictions, cost, geographical location, and lack of availability. Imagine suffering through persecution without knowing God’s promises for those who suffer?

This is part of why Bible League exists – to bring hope and strength to persecuted believers through the Word of God.

Christian persecution is continuing to grow in its scale and intensity. More than ever, we need to join together to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The gift you put aside over the next 7 days will ensure Bibles (in printed and digitised form) and supporting biblical resources will be placed into the hands of persecuted Christians around the world.


Bibles for the Persecuted  enables Christians to pray and plant Bibles among people who are suffering for their faith in Jesus. These persecuted believers often plead; “Pray for us and please send Bibles.”


Members of your congregation can participate as individuals, families, Bible study groups, youth groups or as a church community.


Bibles for the Persecuted can be held at any time by individuals, in home groups or by your church on a Sunday that suits your church calendar.


Each individual/family inserts gifts in the envelope from flyer and return to Bible League New Zealand.


Taking part in the program will help you and each participant to identify with persecuted Christians and personally provide encouragement to persecuted believers through prayer and the provision of Bibles.

Will you respond to their cry and provide them through Bibles for the Persecuted, the prayer and Bibles they so desperately need?

To receive your 7-day prayer flyers with encouraging Bible verses, inspirational stories and prayer points you can use to uphold your persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ, please Contact us.

Confirmation Content


Bibles funded so far


Bibles for the persecuted

Your gift will provide Bibles and biblical resources to the people who are being persecuted for their faith


Confirmation Content

Thank you for providing God's Word to those who are persecuted for their faith.

Week one

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Week two

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Week Three

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Week Four

Confirmation Content